Source code for src.routers.datasets

"""Endpoint to handle datasets"""
import tempfile
from datetime import datetime
from os import remove
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import unpack_archive
from typing import Dict, List, Optional

import filetype
from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends, File, Form, Query, UploadFile, status
from fastapi.exceptions import HTTPException

from ..config.config import config
from ..internal.data_connector import Dataset
from ..internal.dependencies.file_validator import (
from ..models.dataset import Connector, DatasetModel, FindDatasetModel

BYTES_PER_GB = 1024 * 1024 * 1024
file_validator = ValidateFileUpload(
    if MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE_GB is None
)  # Note, cannot validate file type here as content-type will be multipart form upload
router = APIRouter(prefix="/datasets", tags=["Datasets"])

# TODO: Convert to GET request
[docs] "/search", response_model=List[DatasetModel], response_model_exclude={"files", "default_remote"}, ) def search_datasets( query: FindDatasetModel, connectors: Optional[List[Connector]] = Query( default=None, alias="connectors[]" ), ) -> List[Dict]: """Search endpoint for any datasets stored in the current data connector Args: query (FindDatasetModel): Search query connectors (Optional[List[Connector]]): Data connector. If not specified Returns: List[Dict]: List of dataset metadata """ datasets = [] if connectors is None: connectors = [ connector.value for connector in Connector if connector.value != "" ] for connector in connectors: datasets.extend( Dataset.from_connector(connector).list_datasets( project=query.project,, tags=query.tags,, ) ) return datasets
[docs]@router.get("/{dataset_id}", response_model=DatasetModel) async def get_dataset_by_id( dataset_id: str, connector: Connector = Query(...) ) -> DatasetModel: """Get a dataset from it's ID Args: dataset_id (str): ID of dataset (e.g ClearML Dataset ID) connector (Connector): Data connector type Raises: HTTPException: 404 Not Found if dataset not found Returns: DatasetModel: Dataset with that ID """ try: dataset = Dataset.from_connector(connector).get(id=dataset_id) except ValueError as err: raise HTTPException( status_code=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, detail=f"Dataset with ID {dataset_id} not found.", ) from err return DatasetModel( id=dataset_id,, project=dataset.project, tags=dataset.tags, files=dataset.file_entries, default_remote=dataset.default_remote, created=None, artifacts=dataset.artifacts, )
[docs] "/", status_code=status.HTTP_201_CREATED, dependencies=[Depends(file_validator)], response_model=DatasetModel, ) async def create_dataset( file: UploadFile = File(...), dataset_name: str = Form(...), project_name: str = Form(...), connector: Connector = Form(...), output_url: Optional[str] = Form(default=None), ) -> DatasetModel: """Create a new dataset, based on a dataset file uploaded to it Args: file (UploadFile, optional): Archived dataset (e.g zip). Defaults to File(...). dataset_name (str, optional): Name of dataset. Defaults to Form(...). project_name (str, optional): Name of project to uplaod to. Defaults to Form(...). connector(Connector): Data connector to use. output_url (Optional[str], optional): Remote URL to upload file to. Defaults to Form(default=None). Raises: HTTPException: 413 Request Entity Too Large if dataset size is too large HTTPException: 415 Unsupported Media Type if wrong file type HTTPException: 500 Internal Server Error if any IOErrors Returns: DatasetModel : Created dataset """ # Write dataset to temp directory # NOTE: not using aiofiles for async read and write as performance is slow # # First determine max file size max_file_size = determine_safe_file_size("/", clearance=5) file_size_validator = MaxFileSizeValidator(max_size=max_file_size) path = None # TODO: Refactor code to make it more readable with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="dataset-") as dirpath: # write file to fs try: path = Path(dirpath, clean_filename(file.filename)) # First get file size with open(path, "wb") as f: while content := CHUNK_SIZE ): # Read in chunks to avoid memory issues file_size_validator( content ) # checks total file size of all files uploaded f.write(content) # Validate File type content_type = filetype.guess_mime(path) if content_type not in ACCEPTED_CONTENT_TYPES: raise ValueError except MaxFileSizeException as err: if path: remove(path) raise HTTPException( status_code=status.HTTP_413_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE, detail="Dataset uploaded was too large for the server to handle.", ) from err except ValueError as err: if path: remove(path) raise HTTPException( status_code=status.HTTP_415_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE, detail=f"File type of compressed file {file.filename} is not supported.", ) from err except Exception as err: if path: remove(path) raise HTTPException( status_code=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, detail="There was an error reading the file", ) from err try: unpack_archive(filename=path, extract_dir=dirpath) except ValueError as err: # Redundant? raise HTTPException( status_code=status.HTTP_415_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE, detail=f"File type of compressed file {file.filename} is not supported.", ) from err except Exception as err: raise HTTPException( status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, detail="Error when decompressing dataset", ) from err finally: # this will still run even if HTTPException is raised remove(path) # remove zipfile so it is not uploaded dataset = Dataset.from_connector(connector).create( name=dataset_name, project=project_name, ) # then, add entire dir dataset.add_files(dirpath) # upload # NOTE: this process takes quite long # TODO: see if I can make this non-blocking dataset.upload(remote=output_url) return DatasetModel(,, tags=dataset.tags, project=dataset.project, files=dataset.file_entries, default_remote=dataset.default_remote,, )