Setting Up Front End#


You will need to have the following installed:

See Setting Up Development Tools for more information on setting up your development environment.

Installing Quasar#

Quasar is a framework for building Vue.js applications. It is used to build the front end of the project and provides a Vite based CLI tool to aid in development and building of the app. Install Quasar CLI from here.

Installing Dependencies#

First, go to the front-end directory:

cd front-end

Then, install the dependencies:

npm install

The core dependencies are:

  • Vue.js: a JavaScript framework for building user interfaces

  • Quasar: a framework for building Vue.js applications

  • Pinia: a state management library for Vue.js

  • Vue Router: a routing library for Vue.js

  • Axios: a library for making HTTP requests

Running the App#

To run the app in development mode, run:

quasar dev

This will start a development server on port 8080. You can access the app at http://localhost:8080.