Source code for src.config.config

"""This module contains the configuration for the application.
Depending on the environment, the configuration will be different.

import os
from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Optional, Union

from pydantic import AnyHttpUrl, BaseSettings, Field, MongoDsn, validator

from ..models.engine import ServiceBackend

[docs]class Environment(str, Enum): """Enum for the different environments.""" DEV = "dev" STG = "stg" PROD = "prod" TEST = "test"
[docs]class GlobalConfig(BaseSettings): """Global configuration for the application.""" ENV_STATE: Environment = Field(default=Environment.DEV, env="ENV_STATE") # General Settings # CORS ORIGINS # e.g: '["http://localhost", "http://localhost:4200", "http://localhost:3000", \ # "http://localhost:8080", ""]' FRONTEND_HOST: List[AnyHttpUrl] = [] MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE_GB: Union[int, float] = Field(default=10) SECURE_COOKIES: bool = Field(default=False) # set to True if site is HTTPS # Authentication Settings ALGORITHM: str = Field(default="HS256") SECRET_KEY: Optional[ str ] = None # NOTE: set to none as a hack to get Sphinx to build correctly # Database Settings DB_NAME: str = Field(default="appStoreDB") MONGO_DSN: Optional[MongoDsn] = None MONGO_USERNAME: Optional[str] = None MONGO_PASSWORD: Optional[str] = None # Object Storage Settings MINIO_DSN: Optional[str] = None MINIO_API_HOST: Optional[str] = None MINIO_BUCKET_NAME: str = Field(default="model-zoo") MINIO_TLS: bool = Field(default=False) MINIO_API_ACCESS_KEY: Optional[str] = None MINIO_API_SECRET_KEY: Optional[str] = None # Kubernetes and Inference Service Settings IE_NAMESPACE: Optional[str] = None IE_SERVICE_TYPE: ServiceBackend = Field(default=ServiceBackend.EMISSARY) IE_DEFAULT_PROTOCOL: str = Field(default="http") IE_DOMAIN: Optional[str] = None IE_INGRESS_NAME: Optional[str] = None # TODO: Integrate this IE_INGRESS_NAMESPACE: Optional[str] = None # TODO: Integrate this K8S_HOST: Optional[str] = None K8S_API_KEY: Optional[str] = None # ClearML Settings CLEARML_CONFIG_FILE: Optional[str] = None CLEARML_WEB_HOST: Optional[str] = None CLEARML_API_HOST: Optional[str] = None CLEARML_FILES_HOST: Optional[str] = None CLEARML_API_ACCESS_KEY: Optional[str] = None CLEARML_API_SECRET_KEY: Optional[str] = None KEYCLOAK_SERVER_URL: Optional[str] = None KEYCLOAK_REALM_NAME: str = Field(default="CommonServices") KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID: str = Field(default="ai-appstore-backend") KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET_KEY: Optional[str] = None KEYCLOAK_AUTHORIZATION_URL: Optional[str] = None KEYCLOAK_TOKEN_URL: Optional[str] = None
[docs] @validator("FRONTEND_HOST", pre=True) def assemble_cors_origins( cls, v: Union[str, List[str]] ) -> Union[List[str], str]: """Convert a string array of the frontend origins to an actual array Args: v (Union[str, List[str]]): _description_ Raises: ValueError: _description_ Returns: Union[List[str], str]: _description_ """ if isinstance(v, str) and not v.startswith("["): return [i.strip() for i in v.split(",")] elif isinstance(v, (list, str)): return v raise ValueError(v)
[docs] class Config: """Pydantic config class.""" env_file: str = "./src/config/.env"
[docs] def set_envvar(self): """Temporarily set environment variables. This change will not be permanent, so no need to worry about overriding system envvars. """ for key, value in self.dict(exclude_none=True).items(): # Save config to environment os.environ[key] = str(value)
[docs]class DevConfig(GlobalConfig): """Development configuration. Inherits from GlobalConfig, using environment variables that start with `DEV_` as the default values. """
[docs] class Config: """Pydantic config class. Set the environment variable prefix to `DEV_`. """ env_prefix: str = "DEV_"
[docs]class StagingConfig(GlobalConfig): """Staging configuration. Inherits from GlobalConfig, using environment variables that start with `STG_` as the default values. """
[docs] class Config: """Pydantic config class. Set the environment variable prefix to `STG_`. """ env_prefix: str = "STG_"
[docs]class ProductionConfig(GlobalConfig): """Production configuration. Inherits from GlobalConfig, using environment variables that start with `PROD_` as the default values. """
[docs] class Config: """Pydantic config class.""" env_prefix: str = "PROD_"
[docs]class TestingConfig(GlobalConfig): """Testing configuration used for unit tests. Inherits from GlobalConfig, using environment variables that start with `TEST_` as the default values. """
[docs] class Config: """Pydantic config class.""" env_prefix: str = "TEST_"
[docs]class FactoryConfig: """Return config instance based on `ENV_STATE` variable""" def __init__(self, env_state: Optional[str]): self.env_state = env_state def __call__(self): if self.env_state == Environment.DEV: return DevConfig() elif self.env_state == Environment.STG: return StagingConfig() elif self.env_state == Environment.PROD: return ProductionConfig() elif self.env_state == Environment.TEST: return TestingConfig() else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported config: {self.env_state}")
ENV_STATE = GlobalConfig().ENV_STATE # Based on environment variables config: GlobalConfig = FactoryConfig( ENV_STATE )() # Initialize config based on ENV_STATE if config is not None: # Set environment variables based on config # this is useful for clearml credentials # where the api key needs to be set as an # environment variable config.set_envvar()